
Available Time Slot For Meeting Email Template

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Template IV to Reply An Interview Email Confirming Time Schedule. Dear Sir, I write to confirm the time scheduled for my interview. The email reads 10:00 am 29th February 2017 at the Citadel Building. I need you to clarify the date once again, as there are only 28 days in this year’s February. Considering the fact that over 300 billion emails are sent and received every day, it’s not surprising that people have developed “email fatigue.” That’s why it’s so important to write effective emails that get your point across clearly and concisely—you don’t want people not fully reading your meeting invitation email because it’s overly long or unclear.

Use this interview availability email template to schedule job interviews. Send candidates what days and times work for you, before setting the final details.

When you invite candidates to interviews, your emails should clarify all important details, like date and time of the interview and estimated duration. Whether it’s an in-person, phone or Skype interview, offer candidates two or three scheduling options and let them choose one that’s most convenient for them.

Send an initial email to inform candidates you’d like to interview them. Settle the details with a second email (once they’ve confirmed they’re still interested in the position.) To avoid confusion, once candidates agree to an interview, send a confirmation email summarizing interview details.

Whatever your approach, customize this template with times and days that work for you. Also, make sure that your subject line clearly states that this email is a first or second interview invitation.

Looking to save time with the interview process? Sign up for our 15-day free trial of Workable’s end-to-end recruiting software and start hiring better people, faster.

Interview availability email template

Subject line: Invitation to interview – [Company_name] / Interview with [Company_name] for the [Job_title] position

Hi [Candidate_Name] / Dear [Candidate_Name],

Thank you for applying to [Company_name].

Your application for the [Job_title] position stood out to us and we would like to invite you for an interview [at our offices / via phone / via Skype] to discuss the role and get to know you a bit better.

You will meet with [Department_name] department manager [Manager_name]. The interview will last about [X] minutes and you’ll have the chance to discuss the [Job_title] position and learn more about our company. [If applicable, let candidates know what they might need to bring to the interview, like an ID to get past security/reception, a resume or a portfolio.]

Please let me know which of the following options you prefer. I will send you a calendar invitation once I receive your reply.

[Monday 6/1, 3 p.m.]
[Tuesday 6/2, 11 a.m.]
[Tuesday 6/2, 2 p.m.]

If none of these time slots work for you, please let me know of your availability next week, so we can find a convenient time.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

All the best / Kind regards,

[Your name]

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When it comes to almost any kind of business, you need to know how to confirm an email. Every now and then, you will need to send out an appointment confirmation email or reply to meeting confirmation email.

And yes, there is a right and a wrong way to do it.

If you are not sure how to confirm an appointment, you have come to the right place because we are about to give you some basic tips.

We will help you understand how to confirm appointments, we’ll show you confirmation email sample, and we’ll explain how to write meeting confirmation emails.

So let’s get straight to the point!

Why is Appointment Confirmation Email Important?

There are many reasons why confirmed appointments are important. By confirming an appointment, you let the host know you are taking the meeting seriously. It also lets them know you are available.

Sometimes it even happens that the host forgets they have made an appointment and an appt confirmation email is a great way to remind them. That’s why we value these emails within Amelia, the WordPress booking plugin we created (You should check it out, btw).

Let’s imagine several different scenarios to explain why the process of confirming appointments is important.

First, imagine that you send an appointment email to your client yet you don’t receive an appointment confirmation text. When the time of the appointment comes, the client is no-show. You have wasted your time and you have a gap in the schedule that could have been filled with a meeting with another client.

If something like this happens multiple times a month, just imagine all the lost revenue at the end of the month. Confirmed appointment saves you both time and money.

Another important thing to keep in mind whenever you run a business is the level of efficiency. If you plan ahead and make the most out of your time, you will operate more efficiently and it will pay out in the long run. Confirmation appointment allows you to do that.

Consider using a text reminder app or an appt reminder app to always know when your appointments are scheduled. Not only does that give you a better idea of when all your meetings are supposed to take place but it also gives you time to prepare for them properly.

With that in mind, imagine a situation where you have taken the time to prepare for the meeting as well as for the meeting itself and the other party does not show up. It would disrupt your workflow, you would waste your time, and you would have a gap in your schedule.

For all the reasons mentioned above and for many more, it is important to send out confirmation emails whenever possible. Of course, you could also confirm an appointment via phone. However, even if you do that, it is a good idea to send text confirmation as well. Apart from it being a good reminder, it is always good to have those things “on paper”.

How to Write a Confirmation Letter / Email?

Here are some basic tips that will teach you how to confirm appt via email. We will also show you a useful confirmation email template.

Keep it Short and Clear

When you want to make an appointment email, you need to keep it short and clear. Clarity is a sign of professionalism and it makes your meeting confirmation effective. If you make it too long, the most important details will get buried under a lot of unnecessary information.

An example would be this one that can be sent automatically with Amelia, our WordPress booking plugin (click the image to see more info about our plugin).

Available Time Slot For Meeting Email Template Printable

Example II: Confirming Email Sample

RE: confirmation of appointment with JOHN FOND

Dear Mr. Stevens,

I would like to confirm your appointment with John Fond tomorrow, September 21st at 2 pm. Please contact me with any questions and keep me informed if there should be any changes.


Ava Stone,

Secretary, Fond & Associates

Use It as a Reminder

An appointment confirmation email is a great way to remind the other party when and where the appointment is supposed to take place. Appointment emails should always include the specific date, time, and place. Think of them as the free text reminders.

Example II: Confirmed Email Sample

RE: Jane Smith – Appointment Confirmation

Dear Mark,

This is a special reminder to confirm your meeting with Jane Smith tomorrow May 2nd at 11 am.

Available Time Slot For Meeting Email Template Microsoft

Your meeting is scheduled to hold at Lintel Scraps, Office 12 on the ground floor at Lanceman Street, Mainland China. The place is accessible by cabs.


This is Jane’s cell phone number, just in case, +98157479837.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any question. I would be ready to give necessary assistance.

Thank you and have a great meeting.

Best Regards,

Alice Maxwell

Administrative Assistant to Jane Smith, Lintel Scraps Limited

You should also consider using an appointment reminder app to always keep track of your schedule and the meetings you are supposed to attend. Or you can use a booking app like Amelia that has that integrated.

Stick to the Point

One of the main things to keep in mind when thinking about how to confirm a meeting is to always stick to the point. Don’t waste any time and get to the point immediately. Nobody wants to scroll down through a lot of insignificant text and information to finally get to the important bits.

You should confirm an appointment one day before the meeting itself. Keep the email short, clear, concise, friendly, and informative. Stick to the vital information and keep the tone professional.

3 Basic Types of Appointment Confirmation Emails

Here are appointment confirmation email samples for 3 types of appointment emails that the clients usually receive. Let’s take a look at them:

  1. New Appointment by Client

When the client books themselves for a meeting, this type of appointment e mail is sent to them for confirming an appointment.

Available Time Slot For Meeting Email Templates

Let’s take a look at appointment confirmation email sample used when the new appointment is made by client:

This email confirms your ___________(Service Name) appointment on______________(Date & Time) with______________ (Staff Name) at_______________ (Location). If you have any additional questions, use the contact details below to get in touch with us.

To cancel or reschedule your appointment before the scheduled time, please click: Manage Appointment URL

Thanks for booking with__________ (Business Name)!

Location Name Address:

Address Line 1,

Address Line 2

Location City, Location State, Location Zip

Location Directions

You can contact us at:

Staff Signature Section

  1. New Appointment by Staff

When the staff person schedules an appointment for the client, this type of email is sent to confirm the appointment.

Meeting confirmation email sample:

Available time slot for meeting email template microsoft

Hey__________(First Name of the Client),

Our staff member has confirmed you for a___________ (Service Name) appointment on______________ (Date & Time) with____________ (Staff Name) at__________ (Location Name). If you have questions before your appointment, use the contact details below to get in touch with us.

To cancel or reschedule your appointment before the scheduled time, please click: Manage Appointment URL

Thanks for scheduling with Business Name!

Location Name Address:

Location Address Line 1

Available Time Slot For Meeting Email Template

Location Address Line 2

Location City, State Zip

Location Directions

Staff Signature section

  1. New Repeating Appointments by Staff

When the staff person schedules a repeating appointment with a client, this type of email is sent to confirm the appointment.

Confirm email template:

Hey__________(Client’s Name),

This email confirms your appointments for____________ (Service Name) with____________(Staff Name) at____________ (Location Name) on______________(Start Date – End Date Start Date) on _______________ (Days of the Week) at______________(Time).

You will get an individual reminder email before each scheduled appointment. If you have questions before your appointment, us the contact details below to get in touch with us.

Thanks for scheduling with Business Name!

Location Name Address:

Location Address Line 1

Location Address Line 2

Location City, State Zip

Location Directions

Staff Signature section

Available Time Slot For Meeting Email Template Free

Ending thoughts on writing an appointment confirmation email

So how to write an appointment confirmation email for your client?

There are several different ways to do that but you should always stick to the basic principles of professional communication. Keep things clear, concise, and brief, and always respond in a timely matter.

An appointment confirmation email or a reply to a meeting confirmation email is really helpful to your clients. One of the smarter ways to do it is to automate these responsibilities. Amelia is an online booking plugin with integrated appointment confirmation which saves you time and makes online booking a breeze. Here’s how easy it is to set notifications within Amelia:

Use reminder texts app or another kind of free text reminder service to always keep track of your confirmed appointments. Use the appointment reminder email template we provided above if you are still not sure how to send a reminder text. Take a look at all the features you can take advantage of with Amelia WordPress Booking plugin to handle bookings in a professional manner.

If you enjoyed reading this article about appointment confirmation email techniques, you should also read these:

And if you want to check out the cool products that we’ve created, we’ve got the best WordPress tables plugin and the WordPress appointment plugin with the smoothest UX.